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    RWBY: Ruby Rose PVC
  • Status Discontinued
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1/8 RWBY: Ruby Rose PVC

by Di molto bene

$120.94 USD

This item is discontinued and is not expected to come back into stock.


This is a fully completed and painted figure.

Ruby Rose from the popular web series "RWBY" is now an incredible 1/8th scale figure! Balanced atop the blade of her High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe known as Crescent Rose, Ruby flashes us a playful smirk that speaks for her confidence in battle! Her iconic black and red color scheme make for an eye-catching figure, and the impressive detail in her sculpt is truly something to behold -- from the flowing cape, endless ruffles, lacing, and all the elements of her massive weapon! The figure measures about 30cm tall including the HCSS, while Ruby herself measures about 19cm tall. Be sure to add her to your collection!


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