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    Schallyders S05 Sabyne
  • Status Discontinued
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  • Price $5.25 USD
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Schallyders S05 Sabyne

by Takara Tomy

$5.25 USD $6.56 USD

This item is discontinued and is not expected to come back into stock.


This is a completed action toy designed for collectors.

From the official Schallyders website (

On the planet of Sushilias, which is similar to our own world but not quite the same, live the sushiroids, mechanized beings based on everyone’s favorite Japanese food: sushi!


There are two tribes, nigiri and makare, which initially lived quite peacefully, but one incident led to chaos.

Fear not--Team Schallyder is here! Five bold nigiri Rangers who seek to maintain peace throughout the world.  Their foe is the Makare Gang, a secret makare organization.


Both sides regularly engage in fierce battles over a certain traditional sushi ingredient.


Simply press on the topping or filling to instantly transform the sushi into a sushiroid!  Sabyne is armed with his Sabazooka! 


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